Monday, January 17, 2011

thoughts on The Mercenary(1968 aka Revenge of a gunfighter)

NOTE: This a review of the cut version of the Mercenary(1968). pics are way better then the DVD.

Plot in a nutshell:Franco Nero plays Kowalski a gunfighter who's hired by Paco,played by Tony Musante, to help him a revolution. The two of them become off and on friends, rob banks, cause problems with Ricciolo (Jack Palance), who wants revenge against both of them and fight over the beautiful Columba (Giovanna Ralli).

The movie was directed by Sergio Corbucci, who after Sergio Leone is one the kings of Spaghetti Westerns. He and the cast takes simple story and turns it into a western epic. It shows the rise and fall of a huge Mexican revolution group that quickly goes mad with power. That might sound dark material but Corbucci lightens it with crazy comedy such as falling in mud that leads to a fistfight scene between Nero and Musante. And he also doesn't show the bad side of any downfall it's treated just like a friendly break up.

Corbucci also gives the film a epic feel from how he frames all the shots. He almost reaches Leone territory with many of the shots. Action wise the movie also succeeds. The whole movie is packed with great shootouts and fistfights with Little humor thrown in.

As with all Spaghetti westerns you need good music to play during epic shootouts or standoffs. This movie is no different. Ennio Morricone gives a great score, tho at times it might be a little too Mexican.Trivia note: Quentin Tarantino used L’Arena from The Mercenary score in Kill Bill Volume 2.

Acing wise Franco Nero is great as the hired gunfighter, his smart and has alot of funny moments with escapes and shootouts. Tony Musante is also great. His very calm and he can hold his own against Nero in fistfights and has a charm about himself in shootouts. Sadly Jack Palance isn't given enough to do in the movie. For what little time he does show up he's a very funny bastard of a villain.

Sadly i do not own the uncut DVD of the film. The film hasn't yet been released uncut in wide screen here in the u.s. My copy comes from the 20 wild western pack, that u can find as low as 5 dollars at Walmart or Big lots. It's full screen under the title Revenge of a gunfighter,which has little to do with the plot. Still as it is it's a great movie.

Overall I had a blast with this flick. Franco Nero and Jack Palance are at there best, and the music was great. This one of the best and action packed Spaghetti westerns I've seen in a long time.

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